Memories are in short supply lately. It's times like these when I try so hard to remember things. I feel badly because they just don't come. But going through these photographs brought back some. So, I suppose this is therapeutic in a way...

“It's those little things that mean so much. We take these little things for granted, but when they're gone, we cry.”
Yep, that's us at the pool. We were most likely on the way to Michigan or Florida. We always seemed to stop at a motel on the way. I guess it was that we were such angels in the car, our parents rewarded us for our behavior.

Here is one of our "formal photos". I don't like having my picture taken NOW. So I imagine that none of us were quite as happy to be in this situation as we look.
This is probably Florida. That's our mom and my brothers and me. Notice the cool foam, winged visor, hat thing I'm wearing. Tres chic.

This is at home in the lovely town of Buladean, North Carolina. We lived at the end of a dirt road in what my fellow employees affectionately call, "the house on the rocks". This is our dad with me and my brothers.